St. Patrick's Fine art's Forms page


Conference Manager Instructions

St. Pat's uses Conference Manager to book interviews.  Follow the Conference Manager Instructions to create an account or sign-in to book a time slot.  The link is on the home page.

Parent Portal Accounts (PowerSchool)

Parents can create their own Parent Portal Accounts in PowerSchool.  This is used for the annual registration updates. You may also view your students' daily attendance.

SchoolMessenger App

The SchoolMessenger App allows parents to access important school notifications, set communication preferences, receive different school messages in a singe app and review messages on any device.

Medical Forms

Parents/Guardians must fill out the following forms for any students who have medical conditions (such as allergies) or who require medication to be administered at the school:

Severe Allergy Form - This form must be completed at the start of every year or when the student's allergies change. 

Administration of Prescribed Medication Form - This form must be completed if the student requires medication to be administered.

Anaphylaxis Students Administrative Procedures - These procedures provide the procedures to be followed and responsibilities of both the school and parents of anaphylaxis students.
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